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Monday, April 19, 2010

Health Awareness for Public

Health education has an important role in teaching, developing and maintaining awareness of people about the health issues, health care and hygiene. It is a profession which is aimed at the achievement of health awareness in the masses.
In developed countries health education is efficiently working to promote the methods by which health of people in a society could be ensured. But the developing countries are lacking in this sector.
Health education involves education regarding the maintenance and promotion of physical, mental, spiritual and social health of people. It equips individuals, communities and societies to take planned and effective health decisions for the promotion and well being of people in general.
It is the health educator who prepares plans regarding improvement and promotion of health facilities in the society.
The awareness campaigns are also designed by health educators for the masses so the people can enjoy better health using scientific and natural measures. Health education also helps counsel people regarding illness prevention and remedies.
Educational skills along with health expertise enable the health educators to enhance the health of others. The health educator decides his plans about health education strategies only after analyzing the need and knowledge level of a community regarding health. The communities which are developed but do not have water and those that suffer from environmental pollution will be educated differently in comparison to the people of less developed community that have many hygiene problems.
They may also do a research and evaluate after educating people about health to know the effectiveness of the efforts. In case of severe virus infecting masses in a society, like swine flu and bird flu, people can get useful information regarding prevention from health educators. The health educators motivate people for practicing what they learn through health education.
More Health Issues :
-Achieving Physical, Mental and Social Well Being
-Getting started with Exercise for Healthier Life
-Consuming Sufficient Healthy Foods Yet Maintaining Ideal Weight
-Understanding Your Body Needs in Maintaining Optimal Health
-Stay Off Smoking with Physical Activities

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